
Lord of the rings dwarven cities
Lord of the rings dwarven cities

lord of the rings dwarven cities

I concur that WFRP dwarves are in decline as are the Pathfinder Golarion dwarves. In Peer Gynt, the "Mountain King" is listed as a troll but the word "dwarf" might also have been applicable to him. (They would make good jokesters: "the Drolls.") Oddly, the old Northern myths seem to confuse dwarfs with trolls. So they guard the doorways in the mountains - much as the soldiers of a mountain kingdom might. One dwarf, Alvíss, claimed the hand of the god Thor's daughter Þrúðr in marriage, but when kept talking until daybreak, turned to stone much like some accounts of trolls." They are primarily associated with metalsmithing, and also with death as in the story of King Sveigðir in Ynglinga saga, the first segment of the Heimskringla, the doorways in the mountains that they guard may be regarded as doors between worlds. "Very few beings explicitly identifiable as dwarfs appear in the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda and have quite diverse roles: murderous creators who create the mead of poetry, 'reluctant donors' of important artifacts with magical qualities, or sexual predators who lust after goddesses.

Lord of the rings dwarven cities